Welcome to

Do you like flowers?

I do too!

That's why you will find nothing but flowers on the following pages.

These are free gifs for your E-mail pages or homepages. However, due to policy changes on web page service providers, you must transload gifs you intend to use to your own server. All gifs were found in public domain, and to the best of my knowledge, none have copyrights. If you see one that you believe is copyrighted, please write me with the original URL and I will remove it immediately, or give proper credit.

This site was made entirely with a
WEBTV Classic.

Now.....Enjoy the flowers!

The Roses

Floral Bars

Floral Bouquets

Assorted Flowers

If you are interested in linking
The Flower Boutique to your webpages, click below for a banner and directions on how to link.
A link back is not required if you use these graphics, but is available if you choose.

Linking Information

Click on the letters to E-mail me

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